By Executive Director Paul Stein
Transitions are often cause for celebration. Earlier this month, Dearborn Academy and Lesley Ellis School hosted moving, online ceremonies that were a tribute to each graduate, as well as to their school communities. Seaport held what one might call an outdoor “drive-in” graduation (in the school’s parking lot), but that phrase fails to do justice to this joyous event.
Each of these celebrations respected physical distancing while affirming the close bonds between students, families, the faculty and the school. Emotions ran high because all present appreciated the creative effort it took to applaud these graduates, convey how well they were known and loved, and close out a school year that will long be remembered
Prepared for a New Chapter
With a significant accomplishment behind them, along with the skills that they acquired getting across the finish line, students can look forward to increased independence. The next chapter will be both exciting and a source of unease, as they move out of their comfort zone and toward new opportunities for growth.
This is true of many transitions, as for instance when describing the move from one grade to the next. As educators, we consider it our duty to help students transition from grade to grade and from developmental stage to developmental stage. In doing so, we honor their accomplishments as well as those things students will miss, just as we emphasize the potential of what lies ahead.
As we enter this summer break, it feels just right to pause and reflect on our students’ accomplishments and the potential that lies ahead. In light of the last three months of school building closures, it is all so humbling and so very impressive.